Active Participation of Shabtab Co in 19th Int Exhibition

Active Participation of Shabtab Co in 19th Int Exhibition
Publish Date: 2019/11/9
Category: News
Visits: 7059

Active Participation of Shabtab Co in 19th Int Exhibition

Shabtab’s impressive presence in 19th Iran Electricity industry exhibition

Shabtab participated in electricity industry exhibition this year too and showcased the newest models of landscape, pendant, wall,head tubeand park lights to whom actively engage in the industry, enthusiasts and potential customers.

This exhibition which is one of the greatest events in Iran electricity industry, was held from October 31st in Tehran international exhibition and has been lasted for four days. In this exhibition, great producers and suppliers of electricity industry took part in and presented their products in field of wire and cable, light industry and equipment, automation and instrumentation systems of paneling, electricity equipment and transfer lines.

Thirty six companies participated from Europe and Asia and comparing previous exhibitions, this one gathered the most local and private Iranian companies in electricity industry. It’s interesting to say that different learning workshops were also held focusing the researches of electricity industry this year.

You will see some images of Shabtab booth in 19th electricity industry exhibition here.